24 Jun Episode #36: Evan Dollard – TV Host, Ninja, Action Lifestyle Expert
In this episode, Hunter Mcintyre sits down with Rose Wetzel to chat with Evan Dollard. After taking on the nation’s biggest and baddest to win the epic reboot of American Gladiators, Evan became the Gladiator known as “Rocket”. He leveraged his unrivaled heroics to compete on American Ninja Warrior, and is now a three-season veteran and fan-favourite of NBC’s summer hit.
He is currently host of Esquire Network’s Well-Trained Warrior series designed to prepare future ninjas to excel on the world’s toughest obstacle course.
Podcast Topics Include:
-How to know when you’ve “made it” (it involves nudity),
-How Obstacle Racing relates (or doesn’t) to the Ninja Warrior movement,
-Why you don’t need to be able to run as a ninja… and is it even a “real sport”
-How and why Evan hates working out,
-Who can grow the best facial hair,
-What exactly is a “ninja quickie”
-Hunter has a secret,
-Why what Evan does is so important to the sport,
-What’s next for Evan (hint: it involves comedy),
-And more!
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